Family Guy Online Mmoden Review

on May 16 | in Blog, Family Guy Online | by | with Comments Off

Family Guy Online, a free to play browser based MMORPG, is the latest in what is becoming a long line of games that are based on TV series. With pre-built base of fans to draw from, these games know that they will have an audience that is at least a little inquisitive about the nature of a game based upon their favorite TV shows. In the gaming industry it is usually a running joke that games based on running titles, whether they be TV shows, Movies, or some other existing franchise are usually very poorly done. Mostly because the developer has paid a handsome price for the rights to build a game based on that title and have access to the existing fanbase, with that price paid for the licensing, the game usually flops due to the lack of remaining cash for development. Lately though with the rise of free to play and the revenue model changing in the gaming space, we are starting to see more and more of these games being worth a gamers eyeballs as the owner, in this case Fox, stays tied in with the franchise to reap the rewards from what has become a very lucrative market. Keep reading and find out if Family Guy follows the trend of successful franchises that have made their way to the free to play gaming space.

Getting Started

Making the dive into a fantasy world based in the tiny town of Quahog, RI is not only simple, but also massively entertaining. Your character will be built around a basic build that follows one of the main characters of the show, Stewie, Peter, Lois, or Meg/Chris, Brian is locked at this time. Each of these characters have specific skills and attributes that are very nicely tied into their TV personas.

Once you have selected a character type, you will then have the ability to customize your character to your liking, changing out things like hair, face, lips, shoes, hats, etc. The customization system is very expansive and really makes for creating your own unique character in the game. At first when we logged in there were not many players running around, but after a short period of time we began to see quite an influx of gamers logging into the starting area. It was fun to see the different types of characters that people created and this really showcased the customization system that the game has available.

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